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Dell Latitude 5400 Intel Core i5 256GB SSD - Black - Refurbished Excellent - 8GB RAM - 14"

Latitude 5400 Intel Core i5

256GB SSD | Black | 8GB RAM | 14" | Refurbished Excellent

Latitude 5400 Intel Core i5 Reviews

About the Latitude 5400 Intel Core i5

Is Dell Latitude 5400 i5 8th generation good?

Dell laptops are great, high-quality tech companions perfect for gaming, schoolwork, and general day-to-day use. Most well-known for their impressive performance and battery life, these strong-quality laptops are just what you need for your daily needs. But when it comes to the wide variety of Dell laptops, there is one specifically that we can’t recommend enough.

The Dell Latitude 5400 is a great laptop with a durable chassis, a long battery life of around 13 hours, a great responsive keyboard, and a mouse pad plus plenty of security features to keep your laptop on top of the game. But we need to consider the most important part of the Dell Laptop, its screen.


What size screen is the Dell Latitude 5400?

The Dell touchscreen laptop is one of the highlights of the tech. Its antiglare screen prevents light from reflecting directly into your eyes with an embedded touch display that makes your 14” laptop screen feel like a smartphone experience. Get ready to experience productivity like never before.


So now we have caught you up to date on our Dell refurbished laptops, make sure to head to our website now and take a look at what we have available waiting for you! We don’t just offer Dell laptops, we also have a Macbook Air and a Lenovo screen laptop, take a look now!

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